You have got to follow these rules, or you WILL be blocked.
Page Rules
- Don't have grammatical errors (will be corrected if seen!)
- Creepypasta is NO. If you post anything creepy, you will be blocked for a week. If you do it again, you will be blocked for 2 weeks. If you do it a third time, you will be blocked forever.
- Trollpasta is allowed, as long as it's hilarious.
- Spread those smiles.
- Don't spam, or admin will spam your behind.
- Don't change other user's profile pages.
Chat Rules
- You are not allowed to use the following words in a negative manner: Gay, fagot, jew, negro. If you DO use them in a negative manner, you will recieve a ONE MONTH KICKBAN, SITE BAN AND E-MAIL BAN.
- Don't be an ass. Being an ass will result in a 60 min kickban.
- DON'T. HATE. ON. PONIES. (No hate in general) If you hate, you will recieve a 30 min. kickban.
- If you don't care about anyone else and just write about yourself, you will be kickbanned for 30 min.
- NO DRAMA. Everyone involved will be kickbanned for 30 min.
- No spamming. 30 min.
- Don't fuck with admins or chatmods.
- If a chatmod/admin or everyone tells you to stop what you are doing, then stop it. Neglecting to stop, you will recieve a 30 min kick.
- Love and tolerate.
First violation: What the one who bans you feel like.
Second violation: Minimum one week ban.
Third violation: Minimum one month ban.
Fourth violation: Permaban.